LeetCode 24 Swap Nodes in Pairs (Java)

Problem : Medium

LeetCode: Given a linked list, swap every two adjacent nodes and return its head. You must solve the problem without modifying the values in the list’s nodes (i.e., only nodes themselves may be changed.)

Image from Leetcode



  • 1, There are two methods to solve this problem which is setting up single pointer or two pointers. Single pointer method is slightly easier to understand. Please see the comments in nodes which indicating both methods.
  • 2, Consider first: Do I need a dummy head? Do I need a pointer(currNode)? How to find the Nodes I want to operate on?
  • 3, REMEMBER: the pointer is always point to the previous node where the target Node is. In this case, we need to swap Nodes pairs, therefore, using two pointer is possible.
  • 4, So where(currNode) pointer should start or what’s it initial position shoule be? Well, we are operating on the Head node and the Node after as a pair, so we’d better set up a Dummy head and the pointer(currNode) should point to the Dummy Head too (as the reason been explained from previous thought).
  • 5, Next, how do we swap ONE pair of nodes? Using a pen and paper to illustrate the process can be very useful.
  • 6, After successfully swap a pair, how do we move the pointer to the next pair? And how many position should it move? Should we use a loop?
  • 7, Lastly, consider the retuen value. Go back to the question to make sure the correct type has been returned.
  • 8, For this problem, swaping the Nodes but not updating the value of the Nodes. This means we just need to updating the linking pointers.

  • Useful link in Chinese from Carl 帮你把链表细节学清楚 两两交换链表中的节点
  • Useful link Inspiring Solutions in Python

Pseudocode (single pointer):

  • Example original inked list: Node1-> Node2-> Node3-> Node4-> Node5
  • Initialise a dummy head, and dummy should point to the head. dummyHead->Node1-> Node2-> Node3-> Node4-> Node5
  • Initialise a pointer, currNode, starting position at dummy.
  • When to stop move currNode? Consider the size of the list (number of nodes in the list)
  • A: size is even: currNode stops 2 nodes before the tail (That’s the last pair of the Nodes): currNode.next.next = null;
  • B: size is odd: currNode stops 1 nodes before the tail(There is not enough node to pair): currNode.next = null;
  • In a while loop (Meet both A&&B loop will break)
  • To swap the first pair. First, Setup a temp to mark the Node1(currNode.next) and set up a temp1 to mark the Node3(currNode.next.next) Second, make dummyHead point to Node2, then Node2 point to Node1, lastly make Node1 point to Node3. dummyHead->Node2-> Node1-> Node3-> Node4-> Node5
  • In the loop, move the pointer(currNode to right 2 Nodes).
  • Return dummyHead.next

Solution: Java

//LeetCode 24. Swap Nodes in Pairs
//Given a linked list, swap every two adjacent nodes and return its head.
// You must solve the problem without modifying the values in the list's nodes (i.e., only nodes themselves may be changed.)

// dummyNode -> Node1 -> Node2 -> Node3 -> Node4...
//dummyNode -> Node2 -> Node1 -> Node3 -> Node4
// algorithm is  : dummy point to 2, then 2 point to 1, then 1 point to 3; 

import com.leetcode.linkedlist.ListNode;

public class SwapPairs {
    public ListNode swapPairs(ListNode head) {
        ListNode dummyHead = new ListNode(-1);
        dummyHead.next = head;

        // single pointer methods(using currNode as a pointer)
        ListNode currNode = dummyHead;
        while(currNode.next != null && currNode.next.next != null){
            ListNode temp = currNode.next; //temp point/to mark to Node1 (headNode)
            ListNode temp1 = currNode.next.next.next; // temp1 point to/to mark Node 3;

            currNode.next = temp.next; //currNode point to Node2; so dummy point to 2
            currNode.next.next = temp; //Node2(after position update, now at the head) point to temp(previous Node1), so 2 point to 1
            temp.next = temp1; // Node1(after position update) point to temp1(which is previous Node3);

            currNode = currNode.next.next; //move currNode right 2 nodes(position);

        // two pointer methods (using preNode and head as two pointers, preNode is dummyNode, head is Node1)
//        ListNode preNode = dummyHead;
//        while(preNode.next != null && preNode.next.next != null){
//            ListNode tempNode = head.next.next; // Here use only 1 tempNode to mark Node3;
//            preNode.next = head.next; // head.next is now Node2, so this is to preNode point to Node2; so dummy point to 2
//            head.next.next = head; //head.next now is Node2, so make Node2.next to head(which is Node1); so 2 point to 1
//            head.next = tempNode; // so 1 point to 3;
//            preNode = head;  // move pointer preNode to right 2 position
//            head = head.next; //move head to right 1 position; preNode and head is next to each other;

//        }

        return dummyHead.next;

For more instructions head over to the LeetCode.

Written on September 25, 2022